Upload videos to your portfolio
You can now add your videos, reels, fashion films and other video creations to your portfolio on Litmind, and they won't show any ads
Multiple profiles
Now you can have multiple profiles on Litmind connected at the same time, and switch from one to another quickly. Ideal for multifaceted artists.
Improved profile search
A redhead model who knows how to skate? A photographer for a lookbook with good reviews? Now it's even easier with the latest improvements we've made to the profile search engine.
Castings and collaborations for experienced candidates
Now you can create exclusive castings and collaborations that only experienced people can sign up for.
How to earn more experience and improve my profile?
Discover how to access castings and collaborations that require more experience.
Now you can pay with Paypal
Now you can get your Plus or Pro membership on Litmind by paying with Paypal, instead of using a credit or debit card.
Improved slides algorithm
We have updated the algorithm to show more interesting slides. Take a look!
New polaroids section in model profiles
Polaroids are the most important photos of a model, and they allow castings to be carried out with much more confidence.
Litmind now also available in french
We're opening the doors to artists and models in french-speaking countries.
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